Digital Form: Social Media Management Email Address(Required) Client's Business Name(Required) Start date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY End date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Will the digital department be creating your ads or will you as the sales rep be providing the content and copy each month? Digital Department (a form will be required per ad) Me (sales rep) Other Which package was sold? (how many posts the client gets weekly)(Required)Preferred Days of the week for posts(Required) No preference or client didn't specify Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Types of posts they want(Required)What does the client hope to achieve by being on social media?(Required)Which social media platform(s) will we be posting on?(Required) Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Pinterest Other If you answered "Other" in the previous question, which platform(s) are being posted on? I acknowledge that Facebook admin access and/or login information for other platforms must be provided to Mid-West Family's digital team before posting can start.(Required) I acknolwedge